posted October 22, 2024 6:00 PM by Lorna Shapiro

One day only... in-person and online sale day:
Prepared Kits
Kimono Silks
Meter Pre-cuts remaining from Quilt Canada (in-person only)
ALL at least 30% off
In-person sale is Saturday, October 26. 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Online sale is all day long!
That includes all of these lovely kits!
New trick ...
A quilting friend introduced me to a set of templates produced by Jenny Haynes (Instagram Papper Sax Sten) and, because I love circles, I was compelled to purchase one of her sets which allows me to make quarter circles that are 14" in radius. This is the first quilt I've made using these new templates that I purchased from Morris Textiles. Here's the link if you're interested too:
To make this quilt, which is 56" x 70", I used one of my 7 half-yard bundles, K&C Fabric Bundle C28. As background I chose a very soft cream and the mid-value aqua from the bundle. Here's the link to the bundle: The bundles will be on sale both online and in-studio this Saturday.

An old trick... Bias binding calculator
Recently a customer came by and was trying to sort out how much fabric she needed to make bias binding for a quilt she was completing. We looked online and found a great calculator that I share with you here in case you are ever wanting to make bias binding. Once I saw how it worked, I was surprised it hadn't occurred to me. But it hadn't and I'm passing this on in case you, too, would have been challenged to answer the question.
The calculator starts with working out the total number of square inches of binding that you need (so length of binding x width of binding.) It then calculates how many linear inches of 40" wide fabric you need to get to that number of square inches. Because there is no waste fabric in the preparation of bias binding strips, this calculation tells you how many inches of fabric you need to buy.
Here's the calculator for you to bookmark for another day:
An offer for your guild...
As I move towards retirement from this business, I'd like to make an offer to any of you who are in local guilds. If you'd like to arrange a special tea, social, and shopping day for members of your guild to drop by, I'd be happy to host your guild on its own day of your choosing and offer the group the clearance prices on all items in my studio. I'll provide tea and coffee, a place to visit, and my assistance with project planning and fabric selection.
If this sounds like something you'd like to arrange, please give me a call to discuss what would work best for your guild.
The open house studio sale dates remaining are:
October 26
November 2 & 23
December 14
January 11 & 25th.
The sale days will be open for drop-in between 11:00 & 3:00. I'll announce in the week before, what will be on sale... so just watch these posts.
There will be upcoming online sales, one a month, on the first Saturday of October, November, December and January.
If you'd like to come by and shop in person before then, don't hesitate to book your visit. You can do so here:
Sending you all my best wishes for an easy transition into the fall season. Thanks for being part of my quilting community...